
Church Planting & Revitalisation Boot Camp
In Northern Australia, our vision is to become a Christ-Centered Thriving Disciple Making Movement. What we know is, two things must happen for us to get there. One, revitalisation in our local Churches. Healthy churches produce Kingdom fruit. It’s so important that we look at how our local churches are operating, and practically work towards becoming healthy spaces that produce disciples of Christ. Two, Church Planting. There are many untouched areas in Northern Australia. Places where we don’t have a presence, yet there are many people to reach for His cause. On top of that, our major centres are continuously expanding and there is room for us to grow God’s Kingdom in these spaces.
Over the course of this weekend – in cooperation with the Holy Spirit – we are going to learn how we can:
Revitalise our local churches
Plant new churches
Disciple people for His Kingdom
If you’d like to be part of the work God is doing in the Good News Conference – then this weekend is for you!
When: February 21-23, 2025
Where: Riverside Convention Centre (55 Leopold Street, Aitkenvale QLD 4814)
$130 per person (includes registration, accommodation, catering and resource pack)
$70 per person (includes registration, catering and resource pack)
Keynote Speakers:
Pr Glenn Townend – President – South Pacific Division
Dr Wayne Krause – Church Planting Director – South Pacific Division
Pr Levi Mote – Church Revitalisation Coordinator – Northern Australia Conference
Registration closes: February 14, 2025
To register, please visit: Church Planting & Revitalisation Boot Camp
We are a people who are passionately in love with God and strive to live for Him and for others in the best way we know how.